The Natural Language ToolKit (NLTK) is the most popular library for natural language processing (NLP) in Python. The authors also created the NLTK textbook, which is a great resource for learning how to use NLTK. This notebook is a compilation of the parts of NLTK that I found most interesting.
Python offers several different methods for opening text files, but are all options equally good? What’s the best method for the generic case of opening a text file?
The Jupyter Notebook is a great tool for writing and exploring code as well as prototyping ideas. It’s one of my favorite ways to write code, in part because of all the great features it has. This post demonstrates shows some of my favorite features.
I was curious which presidents have had the lowest approval rating at different times in their presidencies. For example, which president had the lowest approval rating on the first day of their presidency? What about the tenth or fiftieth day? I wanted to make a chart that showed lowest approval rating for each day in office, and which president that approval rating was associated with.
This is a list of simple Linux tips and tricks.
This article shows how to make a homepage in HTML. We’re going to recreate my site Sappho, which helps people improve their writing through natural language processing. We’re going to use two different templates for each page. There will be a base.html that contains everything we want to spread across all pages, such as the navigation bar. Then each page will have its own, unique, templates for the specific page, such as main_page.html. This post will demonstrate how to create a base.html file that can be extended to every subsequent page.
Pythonanywhere has an excellent tutorial for setting up a website with Flask. The tutorial shows how to set up a website and put it under version control with Git. But it only shows how to do that by initiating a new repository; it doesn’t show you how to connect with an existing repo. In this post, I will show how to connect Pythonanywhere to an existing Github account and some basic Git commands to manage your Pythonanywhere app.